Charlotte a du fun (V.O.F.)

Directed by: Sophie Lorain



Marguerite Bouchard, Romane Denis, Rose Adam, Alex Godbout, Vassili Schneider, Marylou Belugou


Genre: Comedy-Drama

Runtime: 1h29

Quality: Digital



One tipsy evening, Charlotte, the recently heartbroken, Megan, the anti-love anarchist, and Aube, the shy romantic, stumble into the 'Toy Depot'. Charmed by the male employees, the girls fill out a job application and quickly become part of the 'Toy Depot' gang. Charlotte has found the guys to be particularly helpful in getting over her heartbreak, to say the least. But has she taken it too far? The film explores teenage girls' desires, the blurred lines between sex and friendship, and the unfair double standard imposed upon girls. It is a story of desire, self-censorship, and self-assertion.

Release Date:

March 2, 2018


Trailers :