Fino a qui tutto bene-(French sub-titles)-ITALIAN CONTEMPORARY FILM FESTIVAL


Genre: Comedy

Quality: Digital



- Méga-Plex Lacordaire 16
Wednesday June 17, 9:15 PM
It’s the last weekend for five guys who studied and lived in the same house, where they ate old jars of spaghetti sauce and pasta with nothing on it, experienced stretches of boredom and rapid hookups, pulled all-nighters studying and parties at dawn. But now that their naive, exciting and protected time of life is about to end, they will have to become responsible adults. Each of them will go in a different direction, making choices that will change everything. Some will stay in their hometown, others will leave to work abroad. This is the story of the last three days these five friends share what might be the best time of their life and a moment they will never forget.

Release Date:

June 17, 2015